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Class Covid Guidance - Keeping You Safe!

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

Class Covid Guidance

We are back with classes in venues and looking forward to seeing you and your little ones in person! We are following all the government guidance regarding Covid and have put the following measures in place for the well-being of everyone.

Face masks - Adults are to wear face masks when entering the venue until arriving in the classroom and settled

Hand washing/sanitising - Please wash your hands upon arrival or use hand sanitiser in the classroom

Social distancing - Mats will placed so there is two meters distance between participants and teacher to allow for social distancing

Equipment - No equipment is to be shared between participants and everything is thoroughly cleaned before and after use

Track & Trace - Bookings are to be made online in advance so that we have your details for Track & Trace purposes

Stay home if unwell - If you or your little one have a fever or are unwell, please stay home. If you experience symptoms of Covid, please self-isolate for ten days. If you test positive and have recently attended a class, do let us know.

Check travel guidance - If you have travelled abroad, please check current guidance and self isolate upon return if required.

We will be updating our guidelines in accordance with government announcements.

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